

The Balcony

Today I have a guest post by my very dear friend Aubrey Hansen about her upcoming short film, The Balcony. Not only am I thrilled that she wrote the story, and that another good friend Jordan Smith is producing it, but the subject matter is very close to my heart. As someone who has struggled with severe depression and knows…

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Blog Tour

Interview with Claire Banschbach

Today I’m participating in the blog tour of my friend and fellow Texas homeschooled author, Claire. I haven’t quite ready any of Claire’s writing yet, even though I have a copy of her first book that I need to review when I’m a little less short on this substance called “time”! But I’m very interested in her series, and so…

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50 Shades of Responsibility

For over a month now, I’ve been seeing post after post, on blogs, on Facebook, on Google+, and elsewhere, berating the recent movie release 50 Shades of Grey. People have observed the immorality, the condoning of abuse and unhealthy relationships, and the just bad storytelling. They complain that the film and the book that came before it are twisting God’s…

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Life, Writing

When You’re Feeling Dauncy

“I’ve been feeling real dauncy.” “Dauncy?” “Yeah, that’s a word my grandmother made up for when you aren’t really sick but you just feel lousy.” ~ Lucy and Ethel, I Love Lucy I’ve had a chest cough for about a week now. I’d like to blame it on staying out all night in the cold last Tuesday to be an…

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You Look Different Than I Remember, Old Yeller

Or, I don’t like sad stories anymore. It’s weird. I used to love sad stories. I owned the Doctor Who quote “Sad is happy for deep people.” Where the Red Fern Grows was my delight. The Fault in Our Stars? Yes please. And just give me a tissue and I’d be ready to spend an afternoon weeping over the end…

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Homeschooled Authors Interview

I know I said I’d be more consistent this year. That’s still my plan! I promise! I’ve been traveling a lot this month and things are finally settling down. But I need to learn to stay on track even when I’m busy. I do have several post ideas to write up soon! In the meantime, here’s my latest Homeschooled Authors…

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“I think they felt hopeful to her.”

I won’t announce that “I’ve been on a blogging hiatus” since you already know that if you follow my blog at all. I’m sorry for not warning you all ahead of time — the holidays just got so busy and I got out of the habit. But I’ve been thinking of blogging ideas for the new year, and I’m excited…

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sale!

I mentioned on Facebook and Twitter that all three Firmament books would be on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but I didn’t mention that they aren’t the only ones! Several of my colleagues are also putting their books on sale for the biggest shopping days of the year! Check out this list and see which ones strike your…

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Blog Tour, Giveaways

Cowboys and Horses and Guns, Oh My!

I love westerns. True, I haven’t read many, but I have watched dozens of old B-westerns, several western TV shows, and a handful of bigger-budget specimens. I wrote a western mystery myself, and one of the best things that came from that was a friendship with the awesome Elisabeth G. Foley, a much more prolific western writer than myself, who…

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