
The Case for Sci-Fi — Guest Post

Awhile ago, I hosted an interview with my friend and fellow author Rachel Newhouse. Since we both write Christian sci-fi, I asked her to write a guest post on that exact topic. Enjoy! ***** “‘Clean Christian Science Fiction’… isn’t that an oxymoron?” Hey gang! My name is Rachel Newhouse. I’ve been friends with Grace for one day shy of forever.…

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We’re Halfway There!

Today I released the ninth Firmament book, Intoxication, and with this release I have reached two important milestones: 1. I’ve made it to the halfway point of my eighteen-book series, and 2. I’ve released two Firmament books in a single calendar year, which I’ve been intending to do for over a decade but have never managed until now. Both are…

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Interview with Rachel Newhouse

Today I have the privilege of interviewing Rachel Newhouse, a fellow YA Christian sci-fi author! Rachel and I released the first books in our respective series’ around the same time over a decade ago, and we are both currently working on revamping our series’. I’ve been able to test read her books and have enjoyed them immensely. If you like…

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Space… The Final Frontier

It’s no secret that my series Firmament is strongly inspired by Star Trek. My dad introduced my siblings and myself to The Original Series when I was in my early twenties, and I was hooked. I loved the characters, the fantastic scenarios, the opportunities for philosophical and political commentary. I didn’t, however, love the blatant immorality, frequent immodesty, or cringeworthy…

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2021 Reads — 61-65

And here we are at the end of my book reviews for 2021! I made it through all 65 books. I have loved going over each of them with all of you, and I hope you’ve found a few gems to add to your own to-read list. As far as I’m concerned, you can never have too many books to…

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Reading, Writing

Interview With Jonathan Garner

A dear friend and talented fellow author, Jonathan Garner, just published his first book! I had the privilege of beta-reading it years ago and was so excited to recently get to hold a copy in my hands and get it on my shelf. I asked Jonathan if I could interview him regarding the book, and he agreed! Enjoy, and please…

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Life, Writing

“The thousandth part of what lies within me”

For half a century I have been translating my thoughts into prose and verse: history, drama, philosophy, romance, tradition, satire, ode, and song; all of these I have tried. But I feel I haven’t given utterance to the thousandth part of what lies within me. When I go to the grave I can say, as others have said, “My day’s…

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Intoxication Excerpt

In case you didn’t notice the WIP progress bar on the sidebar over there, I FINISHED the first draft of Intoxication (Firmament Book 9) today! I’m really proud of my consistency in getting it done, and while it definitely needs work, I’m overall happy with how it turned out. In honor of this momentous occasion, I found an excerpt that…

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Writers Not Writing

What is that mysterious force that makes one love writing so much — until one actually sits down to write? I could think about my stories and all of my ideas all day and well into the night, but once I actually sit down at the computer, all that passion suddenly evaporates and I find I’d rather scroll Facebook, organize…

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Firmament: Humanoid

If you’ve been listening to my podcast, you know that I finished the first draft of book eight in the Firmament series recently; a book called Humanoid. Now that Firmament: Eleftheria is complete on Kindle Vella, I’m ready to start thinking about revisions on Humanoid. I think it’s actually one of my better first drafts. The ending definitely needs work,…

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