Giveaways, Writing

If Only I Were Rich

Because if I were rich, I could give a copy of the book to every single person who entered my Cover Justifies the Means challenge like I wish I could! But alas, I am as yet a starving artist, and I cannot afford that. Maybe one day when I am a New York Times bestselling author I can send you…

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The Cover Justifies the Means

So, the second of this month’s Firmament surprises? What could it be? Well, I guess the title of this post kindof gave it away. Today is the beginning of the cover reveal for Firmament: Machiavellian! Why just the beginning? Well, you don’t get to just look here and see it. It’s not quite that easy. Instead, we’re going to give…

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Blog Tour, Writing

Waiting for Plenilune

It’s hard to wait for things. Especially good things. Especially good books. Especially when you have to wait a long time. Though sometimes, the long wait makes the book even more pleasant for the delayed gratification. One such long-awaited good book is Plenilune by Jennifer Freitag. I’ve long admired Jenny’s work and her skill with words, and the premise of…

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Don’t Take My Word For It

As I mentioned a few days ago, Firmament: In His Image is featured on Homeschool Authors this week for the Read to Win program. As a part of that, I was asked to write a post about what readers have been saying about In His Image. Why not let them tell you why you should buy the book? In other…

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Go Ahead, Make My Day

And I mean that in the literal sense. As in, actually make my day. Not the accepted meaning of that phrase which means that you are going to do something bad. It’s like I’m being sarcastic about a sarcastic phrase, in which case the phrase reverts back to its original meaning which means it isn’t actually sarcastic anymore. Kindof like…

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Happy as a Sunflower

My friend and fellow-author Sarah Scheele over at Stardust and Gravel (I must stop and say again how much I adore that blog name) tagged me to participate in the Sunflower Award! What is the Sunflower Award, you asks? Why, it’s just a fun blogging event where each blogger gives eleven random facts about themselves, answers eleven questions, then tags…

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