Reading, Writing

Interview With Jonathan Garner

A dear friend and talented fellow author, Jonathan Garner, just published his first book! I had the privilege of beta-reading it years ago and was so excited to recently get to hold a copy in my hands and get it on my shelf. I asked Jonathan if I could interview him regarding the book, and he agreed! Enjoy, and please check out The Resurrecter!

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today. What first gave you the idea for The Resurrecter?

When I was a teen, I had a hard time finding good young adult horror novels, so I decided to try writing one.

What was your biggest challenge in writing it?

Not having any friends who were writers. At the time I started working on The Resurrecter, I didn’t know any other novelists. Later, I met a few writers – including you – who helped me edit the book into its final form.

As a horror writer, what is your favorite thing about scary stories?

The darkness of horror can be a great way to point to the light. For example, a vampire tale could have the subtext that if people prey upon each other, they are acting troublingly similar to vampires, and they should instead help each other.

Can you tell us about your current work in progress? What’s next for you?

I’m currently juggling several projects, and I don’t know which one will be published next. However, my next book will almost certainly be scary.

And just for fun, which do you think would be easier to defeat – a ghost or a ghoul?

A ghoul, because it’s physical and therefore vulnerable to conventional weapons.

Thank you again!

Thanks for interviewing me!

You can follow Jonathan’s work on his blog or his Facebook page, and the book can be purchased on ebook and paperback at

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