
If Stars Can Break the Darkness Down

Now that I’m between writing projects for a little while, I want to start doing the short reviews for the books I read last year — but first I have one post I need to write. It’s very late in coming, but it’s important!

I realized when I opened this website last year for the first time in awhile that I had never shared about my latest book, If Stars Can Break the Darkness Down. It’s a collection of poetry and prose that I released last spring, pieces that I wrote over a span of about six years during my twenties.

Love. Depression. Hope.

Coming into your own as a new adult can be a tumultuous experience, full of struggle, emotions, and discovery. In this collection of 25 pieces of poetry and prose written between ages 22 and 28, J. Grace Pennington explores and recounts her own journey from confusing and often dark young adulthood to the hope and joy of new motherhood.

Through it all is woven a single, unifying thread — no matter the depth of the struggle, there is the substance of things hoped for in the love and care of a Savior. And like the stars in the night sky, sometimes this love shines brightest in the darkest of times.

The pieces in this book are intensely personal, all of them written in the moment, specifically to help me work through whatever was going on in my life. If you read it, I hope it blesses you — and I hope you let me know your thoughts!

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