
Five Fall Favorites — Childhood Favorites

“It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

~ Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery

Hey, friends! Thank you for joining me at the park on this fine autumn day! Isn’t this spot perfect? A few wooden benches, facing the lake, under the shade of the trees. And there are just enough seats for all of us! Come join me, and let’s talk some more about books! I brought some bread for us to feed the ducks — see them out there on the water? They must be enjoying the weather, too!

Yes, take a piece of bread and pass it on. There’s plenty for all of us! So today I’m talking about childhood favorites. This was one of the easier categories to put together as I could easily think of more than five if I needed to! I started reading when I was about four years old, so there was a lot of childhood reading to choose from!

First, I have to mention Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower, by Peggy Parish. I loved this one even before I could read, because we had it on audio cassette (yes, I’m old!) and I used to listen to it when falling asleep at night. I loved it so much that I became a huge Amelia Bedelia fan, and for a very long time I refused to check out anything from the library except Amelia Bedelia books (yes, I’m a creature of habit). To this day I still enjoy a good Amelia Bedelia book — from “running over” the tablecloth with an iron to “icing” raw fish, her misunderstandings and misadventures are always good for a laugh. Always wrapped up with some delicious baking, of course!

Wow, the leaves are really falling now, aren’t they? It’s like it’s raining orange and red and brown! I love it! I’m sure our hair is going to be full of leaves after this. But I don’t mind — do you?

Next, another picture book! This one is Small Pig, by Arnold Lobel. Small pig loves nothing more than to sit in good, soft mud — but one day the farmer’s wife cleans all his mud away! So of course, he has to search for more. This was one of my favorite read-alouds as a child. The illustrations are darling and the story is just super sweet!

Did you see that duck chase after that bit of bread? So cute! I’m going to toss her another one — she seems extra hungry! My daughter loves ducks — next to dogs they are her favorite animal. I should bring her here next time I come!

Now getting onto a little bit more advanced books — I have to mention the first real novel I ever read. Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. A classic! That’s the book I read when I was four years old, and I’ve read it a number of times since then. Such an enjoyable series, and also educational. I loved learning about life in the pioneer days through Laura’s eyes and through the story of her family’s journey West. I can’t wait to share this one with my daughter one day!

Out of bread? So am I. Here, I’ll take the empty bag. I’ll throw it away on our way out, but it looks like we only have a few minutes to wait until sunset! Want to watch it over the lake with me?

Next is another novel that I read at a very young age — I think when I was about five — and it is one of my very favorite books to this very day. Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery. I love everything about Anne, and relate with so much of her — the imagination, the idealism, the romantic nature. She is such a relatable character, while still being sweet and pure. I have read this book and most of its sequels many times, and am sure I will read them many times more. My husband bought me a beautiful leatherbound edition of it when I was pregnant with my daughter, and again, I am so excited to get to share this one with her!

Ah, so beautiful, isn’t it? The colors of the sunset match the fall leaves — so many oranges and yellows and bright reds. I think Anne would very much approve of this moment — the benches, the ducks, the last rays of sunlight, the lake of shining waters. So perfect.

The last book is another picture book, and it’s one you probably haven’t heard of. It’s been out of print for a very long time, but when I was very, very little it was my absolute favorite. My mom used to read it to me so much that I memorized it and could recite it with all the inflections. It’s called, When an Elephant Goes Shopping, by Wendy Cheyette Lewison. It’s a charming little book about just what it sounds like — an elephant going shopping and what that might look like. To this day, I can still recite the words: “When an elephant goes shopping, what does she buy? A lovely dress to wear? A pretty kite to fly?” So many good memories. And my mom was able to find me a copy of it last year, so I have one to — of course — share with my own daughter!

Well, the sun has set and it’s getting cold, and I must admit (quite prosaically, I’m afraid) that the benches are feeling a bit hard. I think I’ll go home and find a softer seat where I can curl up and read — and I think I’ll pick out a book from my childhood. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling just a little bit nostalgic. Thank you for walking down memory lane with me!

Be sure to visit all the other Five Fall Favorites posts up today, and come back tomorrow for another category!

Also be sure to enter our giveaway — my book Implant is just one of many great prizes included!

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20 thoughts on “Five Fall Favorites — Childhood Favorites

  1. Ah, Amelia Bedelia! Those books are so much fun to read. Little House, Anne of Green Gables… still some of my top favourite reads. <3 Haha, sounds like me, I’m always quoting from books and my family just grins and tolerates me. xD

    1. My family generally quotes books right along with me, though we tend to pick obscure quotes nobody else knows, lol!

  2. Another early reader!! *fistbump* You know, I didn’t actually pick up an Amelia Bedelia book till I was in my teens, but my mom always used to call me that, for good reason… XP

    1. Gives us much more time to read that way! LOL, that’s what I love about Amelia Bedelia books, they are entertaining at any age!

  3. What a fun list! And now I feel late because I didn’t read until age five. 😂

    I didn’t expect my daughter to ask me to read her the Little House books almost the minute she turned three, but she did, and she loves them! So your days of reading chapter books to your daughter probably aren’t far off. 😉

    1. I can’t wait! My daughter already loves to bring me books to read her and she will sit and listen for ages, so I think once she can understand longer books she will be bringing those to me, too!

  4. Amelia Bedilia books are SOOO much fun!! Love them!! 😀 One of my friends used to call me Amelia Bedilia because my middle name is Amelia! ;D

  5. Love this post! What fun books! I grew up on Amelia Bedelia books. 🙂 And Little House was a series my mom read aloud to my siblings and me. So many memories! Of course I can’t forget Anne of Green Gables. 🙂
    Thanks for letting me join with you on the benches to feed the ducks and talk about books. I think I want to go read some old favorites too.

  6. I love the Amelia Bedilia books. I’ve The Surprise Shower. Also, I loved The Little House Series. I can’t remember much of Anne of Green Gables. I need to add that to my list.

  7. Yessss!!! I started reading at three and the Amelia Bedelia series was my fav! My friends recently threw me a birthday party the call last day of being a kid, (it’s apparently a tradition in their family to do it right before the 18th birthday) and we went to the library and read stacks and stacks of our favorite kid books!

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