
Avengers–Still Think You’re the Only Monster?

I recently saw Avengers: Age of Ultron in our local theater. Armed with a root beer and a box of Junior Mints, I went in looking for a fun couple of hours and came out with a head full of thoughts and ideas and ponderings. Life of a writer. Driving home, the thoughts percolated into three distinct topics (or rants,…

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Don’t Write What You Know

Anyone who’s ever turned their hand to writing knows this this adage, as well as most who haven’t. “Write what you know.” There are many great writers who have followed this advice. Charles Dickens, for instance. Nearly all of his stories had autobiographical elements, and most of them took place in the nineteenth century London where he lived out his…

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“Call me Neil, okay?”

“You were on the Head’s side. What made you change your mind?” Doc’s lips turned up ever so slightly. “You should be able to guess. I forgot what it was to have principles or convictions until that idealistic dreamer came along. After I was sent to the base as a spy, he reminded me–in no uncertain terms, either. You’ve seen…

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Star Trek Fanfic–A Friendly Game

It’s been far too long since I shared one of my Star Trek fanfics, so while I work on my post about Neil Crater, I’m going to pull one out of the archives. Laugh and enjoy! A Friendly Game or Hearts Have Been Broken “Checkmate.” Montgomery looked up to make sure he’d heard right. “What did you say, laddie?” “Checkmate,…

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The Beginning of the End

Gordon pedaled as fast as he could, intensely focused on taking deep breaths. Each inhalation set off a dull pain deep in his chest, but he persisted, stubbornly ignoring his rapidly increasing heart rate. Baum would fuss that he was exerting himself too much, but Gordon didn’t care. He had to get into shape somehow, and riding his bike to…

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50 Shades of Responsibility

For over a month now, I’ve been seeing post after post, on blogs, on Facebook, on Google+, and elsewhere, berating the recent movie release 50 Shades of Grey. People have observed the immorality, the condoning of abuse and unhealthy relationships, and the just bad storytelling. They complain that the film and the book that came before it are twisting God’s…

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Life, Writing

When You’re Feeling Dauncy

“I’ve been feeling real dauncy.” “Dauncy?” “Yeah, that’s a word my grandmother made up for when you aren’t really sick but you just feel lousy.” ~ Lucy and Ethel, I Love Lucy I’ve had a chest cough for about a week now. I’d like to blame it on staying out all night in the cold last Tuesday to be an…

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Homeschooled Authors Interview

I know I said I’d be more consistent this year. That’s still my plan! I promise! I’ve been traveling a lot this month and things are finally settling down. But I need to learn to stay on track even when I’m busy. I do have several post ideas to write up soon! In the meantime, here’s my latest Homeschooled Authors…

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“I think they felt hopeful to her.”

I won’t announce that “I’ve been on a blogging hiatus” since you already know that if you follow my blog at all. I’m sorry for not warning you all ahead of time — the holidays just got so busy and I got out of the habit. But I’ve been thinking of blogging ideas for the new year, and I’m excited…

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