Reading, Writing

Dorian Gray and the Joys of Speculative Fiction

I know, I haven’t posted for a very long time. It’s been so frustrating–for some reason my computer won’t let me sign into my website. Every time I try I get a message saying the connection has timed out. I finally am getting on on another computer for now, but hopefully I can get this issue resolved soon! That said,…

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Copying Reality

I may be down to one post a week for a little while. I’m having to lie down a lot, and it’s hard for me to get a lot of work done, so I’m reassessing everything I can! Not only does the baby really take a lot of energy, but I’m having a lot of issues with my right wrist…

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With Love, a Bookworm

Why do they call us bookworms? It’s always rather puzzled me. Why not bookbears or bookbirds or bookdogs, for that matter? Just about anything, it seems, would be preferable to being likened to the slimy, squirming insignificance of a slithering worm. The book part, of course, is obvious. There are people who read to gain information, there are people who…

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Life, Reading

Where Did All My Reading Time Go?

I remember when I was a kid, I marveled at how little my parents read. Oh they read, probably more than most people, but they didn’t meet my standard of gobbling books whole in the span of a day or two, so I was perplexed. After all, they were grown-ups. They could do anything they wanted! To me, that would…

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Reading, Writing

Guest Post–A Firmament Fan’s Look at August Howitz

Well, I didn’t say anything in the last post about analyzing everyone’s favorite Austrian space pilot, but considering it’s the month of August it seemed only appropriate! Grace brought it up to me that how could we miss an opportunity to write continue the series with a breakdown of the beautiful character that is August. And since I would write…

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Reading, Writing

Guest Post–A Firmament Fan’s Look at Eagle Crash

Greetings once again! It’s Firmament‘s biggest fan here to share with you all the reasons you don’t love Eagle Crash enough. Yet. I’ve already explained why you have to love Andi and her father Doctor Lloyd but Eagle Crash has a charm all his own. Character Type Crash is introduced as a lovable, brash, cocky, charming character who smiles his…

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Reading, Writing

A Firmament Fan’s Look at Andi Lloyd

Today I am proud to feature a special guest post by my talented sister Hope Pennington, whose book FairyTale will be released soon! I enjoyed reading her assessment of the main character of the Firmament series, and I hope you will, too. I’ve invited her to write a few more of these character studies over the next weeks, so stay…

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If Gift Cards are Burning a Hole in Your Pocket

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I bet I’m not the only one who received a number of awesome gift cards in my stocking. If you got an Amazom gift card or two, here are a few indie reads that I recommend you use them on! (Yes, I know my books are on the list… what can I…

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Reading, Writing

An Awesome Black Friday Sale

I know that’s a lame post title, but I wanted to be straightforward and let y’all know what was up so you can take advantage of it! It’s that time of year. The time for buying presents, making wish lists, and planning New Year’s Resolutions. If any of those activities involve books for you, Indie Christian Authors has a perfect…

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