

Newsletter, Anyone?

After years of knowing I need to, I’m finally going to force myself to set up an author newsletter. I hear it’s the number one thing for a professional author to do, but I’ve just put it off time and again for two reasons: 1. I’m completely and totally overwhelmed at the idea. I don’t like doing new things in…

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The Dress, Pokemon Go, and Starbucks Cups

What do these three things have in common? The Dress was a viral phenomenon that led people everywhere wondering whether it was black and blue or gold and white–or whether they were just plain crazy. The first time I looked at it, I saw black and blue, wondered what all the fuss was about, looked away for a moment, looked…

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I’m Thankful

A pretty cliche sort of post for Thanksgiving, right? But what else am I supposed to do? After all it is a good opportunity to stop and be reminded to give thanks, and since Thursday is my regular post day, why not share it with all of you? So, without further ado, and in no particular order… I’m thankful for…

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Blog Tour

Indie Christian Books Black Friday Sale!

It’s that time of year again! The time for buying presents, making wish lists, and planning New Year’s Resolutions. If any of those activities involve books for you, I have an announcement that just might be right up your alley. From Nov 24th through Nov 30th, a huge selection of independently published Christian books are on sale. You can find…

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Blog Tour

Blog Tour–There Was Always Laughter

Today, I am excited to interview my friend and fellow author Sarah Holman on the blog once again! This time she is talking about her latest book, which is an extra special one because rather than being just any old story, it’s the story of her family. I’ve gotten to know Sarah’s family personally over the years and have been…

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Life, Writing


I’ve been wrapping up a couple of audiobook narration jobs the past few days–both of them are Christmas books, and I really enjoyed working on them both. But they’ve both had their share of issues. One has had unexpected technical issues, but I think those are finally worked out. The other? Well, the other is more what you’d call user…

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Words have meaning Scribbled pencil letters of a child Carefully penned journal entries The rapid keystrokes of a novelist Words have power A lover’s whispered promises A politician’s telepromptered speech The commands of a boss for his subordinate Words have value The ten commandments penned by the Divine Quilled acts and scenes by Shakespeare The latest Readers’s Digest Words have…

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Blog Tour

Interview With Kelsey Bryant

Yesterday I interviewed Sarah Holman with regards to her book in the Vintage Jane Austen series. What is that series, exactly? Well… What would it be like to see Elizabeth Bennet in 1930’s clothes? What if Emma Woodhouse was the daughter of a car dealership owner? What if Marianne Dashwood was seeking to become a movie star in the golden…

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Blog Tour

Vintage Jane Austen Blog Tour!

Two posts in one day? Is it Christmas? No, (though that event is only 50 days away!) but you’re just so awesome you deserve two posts. That, and I forgot I was supposed to share this interview today and posted something else. But you can all give me grace for that, right? We’re all friends here! What would it be…

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50,000, Here I Come…

I took a year off from NaNoWriMo last year–I was working full time and already stressed, and then later that month I ended up getting engaged, so the timing just wasn’t great. It made me sad, but I knew I needed to prioritize and let some stuff go. This year, however, while I’m still busy, I’m much more flexible. So…

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