
All the Shattered Glass

I’m sure most of us have our individual pet peeves when it comes to our media–things that just get under our skin that most people probably don’t even notice. Or if they do notice, it doesn’t bother them. I have more than my fair share, I think. They can be big and important, like the one highlighted by my recent…

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Call Western Union

In the past couple of weeks, we saw four relatively recent movies. All within the past couple of years, at least. Only one of them–Black Panther was in the theater. One, Spotlight, we downloaded on our tablet to watch on our anniversary cruise. The other two, Logan Lucky and Breathe we rented with my grandparents. All very different stories. And…

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The Lost Jedi

My husband and I went to see the latest Star Wars movie a few weeks late (don’t worry, this is a spoiler-free post). We had an argument–almost a fight, really–on the way home, because I loved it, and he didn’t, and most of the conversation on my end consisted of me telling him why he was wrong in disliking it.…

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I Promise

Do you have any television pet peeves? Tropes that just especially get under your skin, or conventions that you absolutely cannot stand? There’s something that I see constantly on television shows and in movies, and every time it happens I get mad. I complain to whoever I’m with, or if I’m alone I just make upset faces and shake my…

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Life, Writing

Goodbye Christopher Robin

After a couple months of deliberation, my husband and I decided to try a MoviePass membership. The expense of seeing movies keeps us from going to many, but since this service would allow us to pay only $10 a month for up to one movie every day, it seemed worthwhile. It also removes the fear of “What if we try…

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Independence Day

About a week ago, I was at a coffee place celebrating a friend’s birthday. I’d had a rough day, and when I spotted a dollar theater next door, I impulsively texted my boyfriend, “Want to drive over and see a super late movie with me?” He did, and we saw Independence Day 2. It was decent, for what it was,…

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Filmmaking, Writing


In the beginning was the Word. That’s the opening of the biblical book of John in the New Testament. But it’s also the truth regarding one of my favorite forms of storytelling–filmmaking. I recently attended the third annual Christian Worldview Film Festival in San Antonio, Texas. I’ve been attending Christian film festivals since 2007, and I’ve seen the world of…

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Not So Much a Review as a Pondering

A few days ago, I went to see Paper Towns. A few days before, I read the book. I did both because, as those who know me are aware, I’m a big fan of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars (not so much a fan of the teenage premarital sex, but I ignore that part). The Paper Towns movie,…

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Avengers–Still Think You’re the Only Monster?

I recently saw Avengers: Age of Ultron in our local theater. Armed with a root beer and a box of Junior Mints, I went in looking for a fun couple of hours and came out with a head full of thoughts and ideas and ponderings. Life of a writer. Driving home, the thoughts percolated into three distinct topics (or rants,…

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