Life, Writing

Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs

Appearances can be deceiving. Awhile back, I wrote a post about how, despite the blatant immorality and atheism, the TV show House, M.D. actually has a more biblical worldview than you might expect. On the flip side, I’ve seen many shows that, while they seem much more moral on the surface, can actually harbor far more dangerous messages. I think…

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Life, Reviews, Writing

Everybody Lies

It was during the research for Firmament: Machiavellian that I first realized that there was a difference between a godly character and a biblical character. The research in question was reading The Prince by Machiavelli himself. While reading, I had the epiphany that the reason Machiavelli’s ideas were so powerful was his extraordinarily accurate understanding of human nature. Yes, the…

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