
Sipping My Way to 100 Books

If you follow me on social media, you know that I surpassed my official goal of 50 books for the year some time ago. Specifically, I’m now at 73 books, which Goodreads says surpasses my goal by 146%. And I’m doing well enough on my current goal that I feel confident in sharing my real, secret goal: 100 books in 2022.

Yeah. That’s going to be a lot of mini-reviews to do next year.

It’s been a lot of fun so far. I don’t think I will do it again, at least not any time soon, because it is quite a lot. I may find a compromise next year — perhaps 75 would be a happy medium. But in the meantime, I’m on track with my goal, despite three small children, housework, cooking, writing and marketing, and all the other things that come up in the course of a mother’s day. It certainly helps that I’m a fast reader, but I mostly just credit the fact that I really like routine.

Part of my routine is that once my girls go down for naps or quiet time, I immediately make myself my prized daily yogurt shake. Then I sit down, pick up my current read, and sip my shake through a really big straw while perusing pages. Sometimes I’ll keep reading for a bit once I’m finished drinking, and sometimes once I’m done with my treat, I’m done with my book for the day. But other than listening to audiobooks, that daily sip-and-flip is pretty much the only reading I ever do. And clearly I make it through a lot of books this way!

This little afternoon ritual that combines two of my favorite things (snacks and books) has become one of the most treasured parts of my day. It’s such a great way to just make a little time in the middle of the chaos to refresh myself, body and soul.

And in case any of you are interested, here’s the recipe I use to make this tasty reading treat:

Chocolate Yogurt Shake

3/4 c plain yogurt
1/4 c milk (I often use almond milk)
2 t stevia
1 T cocoa powder
1 T stevia-sweetened chocolate chips
Some ice (basically however much you need to get the consistency you want)

Blend it all up, then put in a big cup with a big straw and sip and read away! Voila — a guilt-free, tasty treat that lends itself well to having one hand free to hold a book.

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